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Questions in the Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion category.
Displaying 1 through 3

April 1

Major fashion crisis - help!

So my job has pretty strict uniform requirements - each department has its own catalog, and while mine aren't *too* bad (I can wear dresses, and they don't have to be super-heavy like some of the other departments,) the colors... I just... I can't even. [more inside]
posted by pewpewpew at 9:24 AM - 6 answers

time sensitive panserbjørne dilemma

Need good protective gear for upcoming competition. Difficulty: must ship to Svalbard. I have Amazon Prime.
posted by BareKing at 5:24 AM - 5 answers

Help me nail this

Time to DIY! Best way to keep away infection and promote healing in a body mod project? Specifically I'm thinking about an array of large metal pins arranged around my face and head, sort of a...nail-fro? Not asking if it's a good idea, thanks, just looking for practical medical advice. And please don't tell me to check with the BME forums, I already got banned twice for being too hardcore for those carebear jerkwads. [more inside]
posted by Cap'n Spencer at 2:00 AM - 7 answers