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Questions in the Food & Drink category.
Displaying 1 through 7

April 1

He never shuts up about Asian military history.

Trying to figure out what to do about an annoying drinking buddy. He thinks he's super logical but usually it seems like he's just sort of making bullshit up to distract me and then switching around the premises when I finally get fed up with his dizzying nonsense. I want to prove to him that he's not brilliant, he's just a pushy loudmouth. And not to be prejudiced but is that a Sicilian thing? [more inside]
posted by D. P. Roberts IV at 12:00 PM - 23 answers

Some theology and geometry, some taste and decency

I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. What reading program must I embark on so that I may understand the crises of our age? Spare me the perverse optimism and dangerous propaganda that is the Enlightenment please, although an inoffensive cheese dip recipe would be appreciated.
posted by Batman vs Boethius at 9:44 AM - 9 answers

Strange Brew, eh?

My two friends and I like trying out new recipes, the stranger the better. However, we’ve run across a tricky one, and we’re having trouble tracking down some very specific ingredients. Where can we legally obtain Nose of Turk, Tartar’s Lips, and the finger of a birth-strangled babe? Also, related: what specifically does a Jew have to say in order to have blasphemed?
posted by Which Witch at 9:34 AM - 8 answers

Good fences make good neighbors

My neighbor (let’s call him Sam) is really annoying, constantly asking me to breakfast (green eggs? don’t ask, they’re disgusting) and basically bugs me constantly when I’m working in the backyard. I’m wondering what I can do short of writing a note to ask him to stop; I do live next door and I don’t want to upset him permanently, but getting bothered constantly by my inquisitive neighbor is getting old.
posted by TheSeussIsLoose at 8:54 AM - 20 answers

Why didn't we stick to tea?

I've accidentally gotten my one bosom friend in the whole world drunk and we are underage! Her mother is altogether unreasonable and has cast me out. If I can't see her anymore, it will cover my life with a dark cloud of woe. What can I do?
posted by stop_calling_me_shirley at 7:44 AM - 12 answers

The view is fantastic, I hear

Going to Milliways tonight for a bite to eat and to see the big show. (It's nearby, but it always seems to take a long time to get there.) My friend told me that "the friendly cow" was delicious, but I'm in the mood for something more adventurous. Any suggestions?
posted by Dented But Not Broken at 6:14 AM - 13 answers

Calling all MeFi bakers - help me with my nostalgic baking

I'd like to concoct a particular treat of my youth, squat, plump little cakes called "petites madeleines," which look as though they had been moulded in the fluted valve of a scallop shell, and are especially tasty with lime-blossom tea. [more inside]
posted by le narrateur at 3:44 AM - 6 answers