Am I doing the right thing?
April 1, 2014 2:08 AM
I've recently fallen into a leadership role in a sort of fringe sociopolitical movement, and while it's been in some ways a welcome distraction (it's complicated, my family went through a major move not long ago, and then my father died), I'm worried that I might be getting too caught up in the whole deal? I mean, I really feel like these people have been dealt an unfairly harsh hand in life, and I want to help, but I don't have any previous experience as an activist and I worry shit could get out of hand or something.
I should also disclose that I've been...self-medicating, y'know? It's actually really helped my concentration and clarity, and it's a pretty common thing for the folks I'm working with to ingest so I'm not super worried, but I do wonder if I should be worrying about addiction. I don't know, everybody says it actually makes you live longer, so...
Anyway, it's all sort of overwhelming. I feel like I can do good here, and folks seem like they believe in my leadership, but sometimes when I'm high I have these terrible visions of riots and revolution and—I just don't know. I'm not sure what my purpose in life is supposed to be, I guess. And how much of this is me wanting to help versus just being angry about my dad dying?
Also, not to piggyback but do you have any favorite moisturizers? The climate here is really dry compared to where we moved from, I've been hella chapped lately.
posted by Usul420 to Society & Culture around (17 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
posted by littlesq at 10:00 PM on March 31, 2014 [1 favorite]